Cybersecurity Assessment



The most important action you can take to protect your organization from cyber threats is to understand your weaknesses. Knowledge is power when it comes to your cybersecurity risk. Let us put the power back in your hands.

Cybersecurity is imperative in today’s climate with new cyber threats emerging daily. Identifying weaknesses is critical in addressing your vulnerabilities. You must protect your business as well as your customers. Sabre On Point’s cybersecurity assessment will provide the information needed to effectively manage risks.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a large corporation or a small business. Our assessment will reduce your risks and safeguard your assets and reputation. Don’t put it off, you can get started today. Our initial security check is FREE.

You can’t afford to take chances with data. You’re entrusted with your client's information. It can be devastating to you and your customers if it gets into the wrong hands.

MILLION - The total cost of the MGM cyber attack.

About the Assessment

Sabre on Point’s cybersecurity assessment is built around the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. The assessment will provide your organization with a clear understanding of current risks by identifying your security gaps and vulnerabilities.  This process is ultimately aimed at reducing and better managing the issues flagged during our assessment. We will work with you and your team.

What You Get

The Cybersecurity Assessment is conducted through the collection of specific information from your organization. This forms a picture of your cybersecurity health. Our cyber experts analyze this information to identify vulnerabilities, risk levels and remediation options. Your assessment results will be provided in an easy to understand report that shows your overall cybersecurity risks as well as remediation options. Your report will provide direction on prioritizing remediation based on the probability and impact of each risk.
